Freezone Visa in Dubai, UAE 2023: Cost, benefits and the UAE’s law

Foreign entrepreneurs have consistently sought to expand their operations in the UAE, particularly in the free zones. Companies in these designated areas provide the most ease of doing business, in addition to 100% foreign ownership. Furthermore, establishing a business here qualifies investors to apply for a UAE Free Zone Visa. In this article, you will learn everything about a Free Zone Visa. There are numerous advantages you can enjoy with this type of travel permit. Let us look at a more detailed explanation of: 1. Dubai Free Zone Visa: Rules and regulations It is easier to obtain a Free Zone Residence Visa if you work for a free zone company. The visa is only valid for three years. If you are an entrepreneur looking to establish a business in the UAE, you can apply for either an Employment visa or an Investor visa. Once you have obtained an Investor or Employment Visa, your dependents can apply for a residence visa. The visa is valid for three years. Free Zone Visas are issued by the Immigration Department (GDRFA) without the need to contact the Ministry of Labor. These visas are relatively easy to obtain; however, visa holders are not permitted to work outside free zones. To obtain work permits, you can apply for a NOC from the Ministry of Labor. 2. The advantages of having a UAE Free Zone Visa Investors and entrepreneurs can successfully operate their businesses in the UAE through free zones, which also provide residency and operational flexibility. If a foreign company applies for a visa, it will receive the following benefits: 2.1. Exemption from paying taxes Firstly, you are not required to pay any import, export, or personal taxes if you have a Free Zone Visa. Organizations are also exempt from paying corporate taxes for a set period, which can be renewed at a later date. 2.2. Complete ownership The UAE’s government, in 2018, approved a law that allows foreign investors and entrepreneurs to gain 100% ownership of their company without the need for an Emirati shareholder. As a result, they would be able to maintain complete control of the company. 2.3. Financial access that is efficient With a UAE Residence Visa, you are immediately eligible to open a bank account, transfer funds, and engage in any financial services.  2.4. Rent corporate space You can rent office space and other properties based on your requirements. There is an advantage to choosing long-term leasing options that can last up to 25 years. 2.5. Healthcare accessibility Lastly, residents with a UAE Free Zone Visa will be eligible to apply for an Emirates ID and will have access to the same healthcare services as UAE residents. This includes selecting a low-cost health insurance policy. 3. Step-by-step guide to obtaining a Free Zone Visa in Dubai When you apply for your Free Zone Visa in Dubai with us, we will walk you through the five steps below. 3.1. Sign up for e-commerce services Because the Free Zone Visa application is mostly done online, you must first register with the UAE government’s e-channel portal. All that is required in the mandatory registration fee of AED 2,500 is for Connect Services Middle East to manage this process for you. 3.2. A permit to enter After you have completed your initial registration, you can apply for your entry permit. This is similar to a temporary visa in that you can enter and stay in the UAE for up to 60 days. While you are permitted to leave during this time, it is strongly advised that you do not because it may cause problems with your immigration file. 3.3. A change in status Thirdly, the status change comes next. This is how you activate your entry permit. You can do this by submitting your passport to immigration in the UAE for stamping, presenting your visa to immigration at an airport when entering the UAE, or leaving the UAE by land and having your permit stamped upon re-entry. The former is by far the most straightforward option. 3.4. Registration for medical services and Emirates ID A medical exam and a fitness test are required to obtain a Free Zone Visa. This includes a blood test as well as a chest X-ray. Once you have your test results, you can apply for your Emirates ID, which will grant you access to services in the UAE. 3.5. Stamping of a residence visa Finally, you need to insert the actual Residence Visa into your passport. This can be accomplished by presenting your passport to the relevant immigration authority in the UAE. Once this stage is completed, you will be able to live and work in Dubai until your visa expires. 4. What is the cost of a Free Zone Visa in Dubai? A Free Zone Visa in Dubai costs around AED 5,000, but this varies depending on the free zone through which you apply. Additional visas, such as those for your employees, dependents, and domestic staff, usually cost between AED 3,000 and AED 6,000. Contact the team at Connect Services Middle East for a detailed breakdown of the costs involved, tailored to your specific needs. 5. The most outstanding free zones to set up a business in Dubai As the Middle East’s economic development hub, the United Arab Emirates has created numerous opportunities for both local and foreign investors in Dubai. The country’s economic progress is largely due to a visionary government, business-friendly policies, and the entrepreneurial zeal of its residents. The government offers numerous tax breaks and other financial incentives to foreign investors. Whether you want to expand your existing business or start a new one, the UAE provides a fast-paced business environment. Apart from the attractive benefits offered by the emirates, the free zones are another reason why the UAE is becoming a global business hub. There are numerous benefits to establishing a business in a UAE free zone. Most free zones allow for full foreign ownership, as well as full repatriation of capital and profits.