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How to Check Visa Cancellation Status in UAE

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    If you live in the UAE and are on a visa, it is important that you keep on top of your visa status at all times, and learn what the visa cancellation process entails. This applies to everyone under all visa categories, including people on work visas, visitors, and dependents.

    You can also seek professional services at and receive assistance in the process.

    Understanding Visa Cancellation in the UAE

    Staying on top of your visa status is critical for several reasons, so you should understand the visa cancellation process in detail.

    • Compliance. You need to be sure that you stay in compliance with local regulations, for one thing. Lagging on the visa cancellation process, and failure to follow the rules can result in fines and even more serious legal problems. You could also face problems leaving the country if you don’t update your visa cancellation status.
    • Possibility for absconding. If you develop a legal problem that you fail to manage adequately, you could face very serious legal complications in the future, and this could affect not only your visa cancellation status. This can include bans from entering the UAE and even the possibility of arrest.
    • Being forced to receive a new entry permit. If you commit infractions that result in the cancellation of your visa, you will be forced to obtain a new entry permit so that you can enter the country again legally. Your visa cancellation status will be difficult to changed.
    • Grace periods. If your visa is canceled and you face visa cancellation status, it is critical that you leave the country within a specified grace period or you could incur further fines. You should be able to provide proof of UAE visa cancellation status in the form of a stamp or document so that you can go through the official procedures to obtain a new visa in the future.

    What is visa cancellation?

    To fully understand what these procedures mean, it is important to consider the question of what exactly visa cancellation and visa cancellation status is. Visa cancellation is the process of terminating a residence visa that is sponsored by an employer or a family member, and visa cancellation status is the status that you will receive upon cancellation.

    There can be different reasons for visa cancellation, including:

    • Permanent departure. If you leave the country and do not plan to return, your visa will be canceled so that your residency record can be officially closed. You will then obtain visa cancellation status, and will have to undergo an entirely new entry procedure if you ever want to enter again.
    • Change in work or living status. There could be different reasons for a change of status resulting in visa cancellation status. If you get a new job, for example, your existing visa needs to be canceled so that you can get a new one through your new employer. Similarly, if you have a change in personal sponsors, you will need to obtain a new visa under the name of the new sponsor. Your UAE residence visa or work visa will then indicate visa cancellation status.
    • Expiration of existing visa. When your existing visa expires, you will need to renew it so that you do not face penalties for overstaying your legal period in the country. In this case you will need to go through the visa application process again as you did the first time, and until the new process is complete, you will maintain visa cancellation status. The same policies apply to dependents for whom you may be responsible.

    Types of Visas and Cancellation Status

    There are different types of visas that foreigners can obtain in the UAE. These include employment visas, residency visas, and visit visas. Employment visas are issued by employers for specified periods of time according to agreed-upon contracts. Residency visas are issued for either five or ten years, and they fall into different types: business, golden, property owner, retirement, remote work and student residence. Visit visas are shorter-term – either 30 or 60 days – and can be single-entry or long-term.

    Visa issuance can depend not only on type, but also on the citizenship of the person in question. There are certain countries whose citizens are ineligible for tourist visas, for example, so you should check this in advance of applying.

    If you need to cancel a UAE visa – be it a Dubai visa, Abu Dhabi, Ras Al Khaimah, Umm Al Quwain or other Emirates – it is important that you follow the exact procedures designated for your visa type because procedures differ from type to type, and you can be sure to have visa cancellation status at the right time, when you plan to leave the country. This is also important for your UAE visa status check for ensuring compliance with the rules.

    Common Visa Cancellation Status Messages and Their Meanings

    There are different messages that you might receive regarding your visa cancellation status. In using one of the approved means of checking your visa cancellation status, you could receive any of the following messages: “Pending documents,” which means that you have not submitted all of the necessary documentation; “Approved,” which means that your UAE visa cancellation has gone through; or “Rejected,” which means that you will have to revisit your request altogether. For any message other than “Approved,” you will still have work to do in order to obtain visa cancellation status.

    Ways to Check Visa Cancellation Status in UAE

    Online Methods

    There are different ways that you can request online to do a visa status check UAE for your UAE visa. You will need to have all the documents required: your passport number from your original passport, your visa expiry date, and other visa details available to pass to the correct UAE government body. Be prepared to pay applicable fees, if necessary, and you might be eligible for end of service benefits. These end of service benefits will only be available if you have followed the correct procedures, though, to avoid penalties. Possible methods are as follows.

    1. Through GDRFA (General Directorate of Residency and Foreigners Affairs) Website

    The GDRFA website offers an easy way to check online for your status. The site provides a step-by-step way to check your status online. To use it, you should have all your required documents available, including your passport details, including your passport number, expiry date, etc, as well as your visa number and other visa details, and application number. The site automatically links to the official GDRFA portal.

    The ICP site also offers a convenient way to check your status. The site is only applicable for visas issued outside of Dubai. It allows you to track both visa application status, as well as cancellation status. It links directly to the ICP website.

    1. Through ICP (Federal Authority for Identity, Citizenship, Customs & Port Security) Website

    The ICP site also offers a convenient way to check your status. The site is only applicable for visas issued outside of Dubai. It allows you to track both visa application status, as well as cancellation status. It links directly to the ICP website and can indicate visa status. For this site, too, you need your documents required: passport number (residency visa or employee’s labour contract) with the required details, information from your labour card or work permit that is applicable to your work visa, and other necessary information. With the required documents, you will be able to see if the cancellation process has been successful.

    1. Using Smart Services & Mobile Apps

    For all the online services that are available, you can also find apps that you can conveniently perform a UAE visa status check to see if your visa status has been cancelled or not. This includes the GDRFA Dubai App and the ICP Smart Services App. Both of these apps allow you to check your visa status on your mobile.

    Offline Methods

    1. Visiting GDRFA or ICP Offices
      You can also check your visa status by visiting a GDRFA or ICP office from 9am to 5pm from Monday through Thursday, or from 9am to 12pm on Friday. You will need to bring your passport information, application, and current visa.
    2. Checking with Your Sponsor or Employer
      To check whether a cancellation of a visa has gone through, you can go to the GDRFA or ICP portal, navigate to the section “Services,” then click on “Check the visa status.” It is the responsibility of your employer or sponsor to initiate the request themselves; otherwise it will not go through the system.
    3. Through Typing Centers
      You can also check your visa status at typing centers in the UAE. These are one-stop service hubs that provide assistance in government-related matters. You can do this for free, and talk to someone at the human resources.

    Key Things to Consider After Visa Cancellation

    There are several things that you should keep in mind after you have a visa canceled. The first is that you need to stay on top of the grace period following cancellation. Stay abreast of the rules that apply and any updates.

    Keep in mind that the consequences of overstaying could be serious. If your visa cancellation is delayed or denied, keep in mind the steps that you need to take to get a new one. First, you should settle any outstanding problems. Then, apply for a new visa with your employer or sponsor.

    FAQs About Visa Cancellation in UAE

    How long does visa cancellation take?

    Visa cancellation usually takes one or two days in the UAE. It might take one more day if your sponsor also has to cancel your labor card.

    What if my employer refuses to cancel my visa?

    If your employer refuses to cancel your visa, you can escalate the issue by contacting a federal authority: both the Ministry of Resources and Emiratisation or the General Directorate of Residency and Foreigners. Officials from these bodies can contact your employer and issue a warning to them. This will bring your case to the attention of a federal authority for identity and absolve you of the responsibility of bringing the matter to the government’s attention.

    Can I leave the UAE before visa cancellation is confirmed?

    You can leave the UAE at any time, but it is advisable to resolve any potential visa issues before you do so in order that you do not face penalties in the future.

    How can I get proof of visa cancellation?

    You can get proof of visa cancellation request by checking the ICP website or the GDRFA website and doing a visa status check.

    What are the fines for overstaying after visa cancellation?

    The fine for overstaying a visa cancellation is 50 UAE for every day overstayed. Doing a visa status check will tell you whether you are still within the acceptable period.

    Wrapping up

    Keeping track of and managing the visa cancellation process in UAE is generally a straightforward procedure. If you familiarize yourself with how to check your status and what to do to obtain a new visa, you shouldn’t have problems as long as you do not have outstanding unresolved legal issues. You can easily track your progress on either the GDRFA or ICP websites, through their respective apps, or in person. It is critical that you keep track of the process and observe time limitations because overstaying a grace period can result in penalties. If your employer or sponsor does not initiate the process when you need to cancel a visa, you have recourse by going to the Ministry of Resources and Emiratisation or the General Directorate of Residency and Foreigners.
