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UAE’s Exit Permit: A Step-by-Step Guide for Expats

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    You plan to leave the United Arab Emirates (UAE) temporarily or permanently. In that case, you should know that you need to obtain an exit permit, that is, an out pass UAE. With this document, you can leave the country legally. The out pass in UAE is an official document from the government that authorizes residents to leave the country. It is an important component of the UAE Immigration System and you must meet certain conditions and requirements to obtain it.

    In this article, we will explain everything you need to know about the out pass UAE. In principle, we are going to show you the definition of this document and why it is so important. Additionally, you will see what its cost is, its eligibility, the essential documents for the application, and its validity. Finally, we will give you some tips and resources to facilitate your exit process and avoid fines or legal problems. Keep reading and discover how to obtain your UAE outpass step by step.

    Significance for Expatriates and Residents

    out pass UAE

    The out pass UAE is an exit permit that is intended to facilitate some foreigners who intend to leave the country. Specifically, those who do not have a valid visa in the UAE for different reasons. For instance, you have exceeded your time of stay in the country and you do not have an extension of the visit visa. Another reason may be that you are going through a visa cancellation process.

    Generally, visitors who are in the country on a visit visa after overstaying their days or are beyond the grace period; are the ones who request the out pass UAE. However, there are other categories for which you need an exit permit, which are:

    • Violator of an entry permit or residence visa.
    • Passport missing
    • Newborn child
    • Offenders and registration of eyeprints.

    You have to know that having an out pass UAE can bring many benefits to the applicant. That is why in this section we will show you all the sales to which you have access with this document.

    Legal accomplice: Having an out pass UAE is proof of commitment to responsibility and legal compliance. That is, it is a positive sample of a person’s history. In addition, it significantly reduces the risk of going through legal problems when leaving the country.

    Hassle-free exit process: Having the out pass UAE in hand speeds up the exit process. People can avoid last-minute complications at any port of departure by having the necessary documentation. For instance, at airports or border control ports.

    Avoid legal consequences: Failure to obtain an out pass UAE can attract serious consequences for the offender. For example, travel bans, fines, and even possible prison. By complying with the exit permit requirement, visitors can avoid these undesirable outcomes.

    Understanding UAE’s Exit Permit Requirement

    To obtain an outpass in UAE you must meet certain requirements according to your situation. For this reason, if you want to perform the outpass UAE procedure you must take into account the following requirements depending on your situation:

    If you are violating an entry permit or a residence visa, you will need the following documents:

    • The original passport of the interested party and a copy.
    • A copy of your travel ticket.
    • You need 2 personal photos of the sponsored person.

    In case you have lost your passport the following documents are necessary:

    • A sponsored passport or travel document from the embassy or consulate.
    • The respective loss letter from the police.
    • A copy of your travel ticket.
    • You need 2 personal photos of the sponsored person.

    For newborns, these documents are necessary:

    • Original passport of the father and mother along with a copy of each one.
    • The child’s passport or travel document from the embassy or consulate.
    • The child’s original birth certificate and a copy.
    • A copy of your travel ticket.
    • You need 2 personal photos of the newborn child.

    For offenders and registration of eyeprints, the following documents are necessary:

    • The original passport of the interested party and a copy.
    • A copy of your travel ticket.
    • You need 2 personal photos of the sponsored person.

    It is important that you comply with these documents if you want to apply for your UAE outpass ban. Also, if you do not want to leave the UAE due to any problem, you can extend your visit visa to the UAE.

    Step-by-Step Guide to Obtaining a UAE Exit Permit

    If you want to apply for a Dubai out pass you must follow the corresponding steps for each situation. Therefore, if you want to obtain your United Arab Emirates exit permit you must follow these instructions:

    If you have a residence visa violation, you can do so through the GDRFA website by following these steps:

    • First step: You need to log in to the relevant GDRFA website.
    • Second step: If you do not have an account, you must register and create your user account and log in.
    • Third step: You must select the service you need.
    • Fourth step: Attach all the necessary documents.
    • Fifth step: Make the payment of the fees for the requested service.
    • Sixth step:
    • Seventh step: Wait for you to receive the approval notification.

    If you wish, you can also make this request through the AMER center. In this way, if you want to do it you must follow these steps:

    • First step: Go to one of the AMER service centers.
    • Second step: at the reception you must select the required service.
    • Third step: You send all the necessary documents to the AMER service employee.
    • Fourth step: Verification of documents is carried out.
    • Fifth step: You must pay all fees owed for the service provided to you.
    • Sixth step: Submit the exit permit application.

    For newborn children, these steps must be followed:

    • First step: The father of the newborn must be present for the use.
    • Second step: The application must be submitted to the duty officer.
    • Third step: Make payment of all fees owed.
    • Fourth step: obtain the receipt for printing the exit permit.

    Regulations and Timelines for a UAE Exit Permit

    All documents have certain regulations and timelines, and the out pass UAE is no exception. Applicants must be aware of these conditions. That is why below you will see each of these depending on the category.

    In the case of issuing an out pass UAE for a newborn.

    • Personal presence of one of the parents.
    • Submit the request to the officer on duty at the moment.
    • Pay the corresponding fees for this type of exit permit
    • Receipt of printing the exit permit in the UAE.
    • If the husband is out of the country, the client has to bring a power of attorney expert by the father. Thus, it can be seen that there are no problems with the child traveling outside the United Arab Emirates.
    • In case of separation, bring the custody ruling of the person who has custody, regardless of whether it is the father or the mother. Additionally, you have to bring the divorce certificate.

    If you lose your passport

    • The victim person must attend personally
    • As with newborn children, the corresponding application must be submitted to the duty officer.
    • Pay the corresponding fees for these situations.
    • Finally, you receive the printout of the out pass UAE.

    In the case of issuing exit permits to offenders and eyeprint registration

    • The offender person must attend in person.
    • Submit the corresponding request to the service officer.
    • Pay the fees corresponding to this situation.
    • As in previous cases, you must bring the receipt for printing the exit permit.
    • If the original passport is missing, you need a travel document from the consulate

    Conclusion: Navigating UAE’s Exit Permit Process

    out pass UAE

    Those expatriates who want to leave the UAE must first obtain an exit permit. Furthermore, the procedure to obtain an exit permit is very simple and can be done online. On the other hand, it must be taken into account that this exit permit may take up to 48 hours to obtain.

    Therefore, if you want to travel outside the UAE, it is recommended that you apply for this exit permit in advance. Additionally, all applicants have to ensure that they meet all requirements. In this way, they must follow all the corresponding instructions so that their request is processed correctly and obtain a positive response.

    For this reason, it is important that you understand everything that this UAE exit permit encompasses. Furthermore, you can get it very easily just by following the necessary steps and paying the appropriate fees.

    However, if you still need more information about this permit, please do not hesitate to contact us. This way, you can count on personalized advice from experts in legal issues in the UAE and many others.
